Saturday 24 November 2007

bloody hell, grapes for £3.50?

I was just reading through my blogs and when I got to the last one I was struck by this thought;

"Jesus thats really boring."

Sorry about that, here's why M&S sucks.

- I just went all the way into town to get a banana from Marks and Spencers and I'm not happy about it, bloody expensive. The food section is miles away from the front door and I was starving, I had to walk through a sea of self absorbed bastards desperate to cut in front of me for no apparent reason other than they just have to order their Christmas turkey before the person next to them. I finally get to the food area, about to keel over from hunger and I see seedless crimson grapes;
"ooh, nice" I thought, check the price.. £3.50?!....Grapes!?.....
"Bollocks to that" I decide, then wait- they do look tasty-
"How much money have I got?"
A fiver. Sod it, I grab the grapes and a bunch of bananas, happening to be similarly overpriced at £1.50, I'm not happy at myself at all, I was weak and I was beaten, by grapes, a painful scenario. Anyways I'm still starving so I pick up my pace towards the till, which is surrounded by the hundreds of people that barged past me as I entered, that's it, the customers must come in waves at M&S, that's why they all seem so desperate, a thousand other people all arriving at the same time, all here to throw money at grapes.
So I'm waiting for twenty minutes in the queue while elder members eye me suspiciously, I get to the front and wait for ten minutes longer as the girl at the till stares at the ceiling.
"Can I help you?"
"Yeah, I'd like to be served."
"You paying by card?" - I look down at the banana and grapes on the till.
"Cash then." She decides.
"Actually it's change." She looks panic stricken, did she have to do something?
"If you want to sign up for your Christmas goods there's a till over there."
"Would you like a bag?"
"I'd love one."
I leave and have to head all way to the front where the door is blocked by a crowd, I push past uninterested by the apparent "scene" that's been caused by someone, I feel like I'm about to collapse, if I'd left a second later I'd be dead. I get home knackered, broke, wet and hungry. I only wanted a fucking banana.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jow, you made me laugh out loud with this one, never knew you could write like this! I think I might just keep an eye on your blog from now on, keep it up fella!
John x