Friday 16 November 2007

Episode V.5

I think I've been jumbling up my weeks, typical behavior for me but I'm going to try and sort it out here before I reference earlier questions in my next blog. 80's and 90's gaming shows the console age, out come Atari's just in time to fall into the game industry's crash of '83- oops, Nintendo puts on some trousers and Sega answers the call of a Japanese/Italian plumber with a Japanese/anthropomorphic hedgehog. The NES is released in '85 as a piece of technological mastery boasting 8-bit hardware the like of which you've never imagined, colours are coming out of the woodwork at such an alarming pace you'd think Monet had gotten into programming and death and blood can now be enjoyed by the whole family. The Mastersystem drops by to promise everything the NES did but in a different shade of code and even has the good grace to slap a preprogrammed game into the console. Next step- we get MEGA and SUPER with the same consoles as before in 16-bit glory and people argue whether Sonic could kick Mario's arse or not. A couple of years fly by and everyones now eagerly awaiting the arrival of Sony's great arrival the Playstation, running at a krunk 32-bits, customers swoon. Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, Teken and all that jazz.
"Hey I just got the new Sony Playstation-"
"HAH, we've all got N64's now, isn't that Playstation a 32-bit console? N64 is, well... 64-bit"
Zelda, Mario, Goldeneye and multiplayer madness. Oh I forgot to mention that Sega fell over carrying their Saturn to the conference room making themselves look stupid, nevermind they can always be the first to produce the first ever 128-bit console!- can't they? Well yes, but it looks like they tried a little too hard on the Dreamcast and are now doomed to being everybodies bitch from hereon in. Out comes the Ps2, Gamecube (Nintendos originality was all used up on games apparently) and what's that? Microsoft are making a console? Ahahaahahaaa- oh it's actually quite good, I'll stop laughing.
Nintendo take a back seat for a while at this point and all camera's are on Ps2, with Xbox running at second place. This again has been bounced as the Xbox 360 reaps the joy of an early release with sales seem to piss all over the Ps3 and Nintendo have wandered off someplace else and are doing their own thing with a fancy controller. Graphics are now nearing lifelike, game budgets are nearing that of a Hollywood blockbuster and people seem to have stopped giving a shit about gameplay. What does the future hold? I wonder...

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